Monday, April 11

Life is better than a box of chocolates

April 11th is here and almost gone, and life isn't going to slow down enough for me to update this blog. I guess I'll just have to figure out a way to fit it in my busy life. Anyone want to buy me an iPad? Just kidding! No, really, I'll take one if you're feeling generous.

Too much has flown by in the past days and weeks since I've posted, so I decided to stick with the highlights, as if you gave me 60 seconds to tell you my recent life history in a nutshell. Who am I kidding? Me, speak for only 60 seconds? Anyone who knows me well, knows better than that.

::Highlights, Sarah, highlights. Don't get distracted!::

1. Work is ridiculously busy right now. The "To Do" list is 20 things long per day, and I get to 4 before 5:00 arrives. Just today I looked at the clock after what seemed like an hour of work and realized it was 11:40. Seemingly an hour later, it was 4:50. The days are going by so fast I don't even recognize the hours. That's of course good and bad. My big event is less than 3 weeks away, and we're still tying up loose ends. And that is not because of procrastination! I do still love my job. I'm just a little overwhelmed right now. Come May 2nd, I will be happy as a lark, relaxed, and gearing up again on May 3rd. Such is my life.

2. I have many bright spots at work, though. One involves something that hasn't been so bright: eating. Mom and Dad randomly send me packages of foods I like that are difficult to get here or really good for me but out of my price range. Every time I get one it's like opening a christmas present. Just today I got a large box of foods I told Mom to scout coupons of for me. Healthy foods/snacks in a box instead of coupons and newspaper clippings were a big surprise. Yum!

3. Why is eating not so bright and why are your parents suddenly sending you food? Is that what you're thinking? Well, I'll just put it out there. I'm losing weight, and I can't stop. I'm not trying to, but it seems a never-ending battle. Clothes that fit in December no longer fit, and those were purchased in December because the ones that were bought in September no longer fit. Don't worry. I'm fine. I am just adjusting to a different lifestyle than my body was accustomed to in South Carolina, and it may or may not involve forcing myself to eat when I don't feel I want to or need to. I gained a few pounds this month, though, yay! Reduced my workout intensity, planned to eat 1800+ calories a day (wasn't happening before), and changed my eating schedule. I never thought I'd be frustrated that I was losing weight.

4. Fortunately, I have a constant encourager here in the area for my eating habits and my down days at work. I'm dating a guy that makes me very happy and is constantly doing/saying things to remind me how special I am to him and the world around me. I went from seeing several different people to narrowing the field to one amazing guy(just named boyfriend on the blog). He and I have been able to see and do so many fun things in the past several months, and he doesn't shy away from the music and arts I love so much. Just this weekend we went to see an Oscar Wilde play at Shakespeare Theater. So fun!

5. I don't know how they got pushed to number 5 on this list: Friends, friends, friends! I have amazing ones. None can replace my college girls or best friends from childhood, but these really are great. I have a good mix of girls and guys that I can truly count on for anything (including my cousin). Several of us are in a monthly supper club that we began, and we've made it an outstanding group of fun people who enjoy meeting new people and eating good food. We genuinely have so much fun. Things have been hectic with work lately so I don't get to see many of them as regularly as I would like, but when I do, we always have the best of times.

6. I've started attending some weekend classes to obtain a Certificate in Event Management from George Washington University. I am learning and striving to increase my knowledge of this field that I truly enjoy. It's on hold until summer classes are announced, but I do plan to have my certificate by next summer. It's worked out great that I'm in an area that has the number one program in this field. Stay tuned for more info on that!

I don't have any real pictures dedicated to this "update" subject so I thought I'd share a few of the things that happened on my blog hiatus.

 Girls night dinner to support Leslie's Auburn Tigers. Alex making pizza.
 Go Auburn! Leslie gave us shirts to wear.
 Sarah W. and I on the Staten Island Ferry on my first NYC trip.
 Fabulous friends from Converse bundled up in NYC.
Dad and Mom join cousin Christina and I on a walk to the White House.

Until the not-so-long-from-now next time (I hope),


PS - Did I mention how happy I am? Life really is better than a box of chocolates!

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