Oh, what a day! I'm delighted to say, today is the first day of snow in my D.C. journey! It's so much prettier than S.C. slush snow!
I'm not delighted to say, that the snow kept me from getting my car battery changed... since it's dead again! It made me miss my meeting at work. Thankfully Jeremy was adamant I didn't go out of my way to get there, and he and his girlfriend are going to swing by to pick me up for tonight's reception. So, I'm hoping it stops snowing tonight so someone will be willing to jump my battery tomorrow. Especially since I'm moving to the condo tomorrow! :)
Yesterday was a SUPER long day, but it was good! We all had to be at work at 7:45 to be on time for the 8:00 meeting with all the NRA big wigs: Wayne Lapierre, Chris Cox, Ron Schmeitz, and Kain (don't know his last name). I was told that being late for their meeting is frowned upon, and that if you arrive a minute late you should not attend. Therefore, we all got there early. It was worth it, though, to hear them all speak. It was nice to hear their drive and a little of the background and future of the NRA.
After that we joined the rest of the HQ staff for the Christmas Party. It was quite a party. Brunch food was distributed on all 6 levels of the building, and we were able to mingle througout. Then there was a ceremony for all the length of service and outstanding achievement awards. My boss, Jeremy, got a well deserved outstanding achievement award which is highly prestigious. We were all so proud of him!
The ceremony ended at 1:30, and we were dismissed to go home. All the young folks from our division headed to TGIFridays for Happy Hour. It was great to get to know some of my colleagues outside of the office. I was so glad they invited me!
I ran in the mall to go pick up some make up at Sephora, and ran into Amber (co-worker) who invited me to go out to dinner with Central Region, again to the Brazilian Steak House.
Then!!! Danielle came to visit! She asked me earlier in the week to join her at a party in the city for her friend Conrad that we've hung out with both times I've visited. We hopped the metro to U Street, and met several fun friends! I was so glad I brought the camera! And, I was SO happy to have my first visitor! Thanks Dani!