Wednesday, March 24

Spring Cleaning Part I

I know the title makes you oh-so-excited to read, right!? :)

Big city life = more rent $$ and less SPACE. Therefore, this girl who doesn't do tight spaces is learning to compartmentalize (I didn't say I was happy about it!) her belongings. Starting with some of the most important belongings....

You guessed it!


Although my closet space is quite large for an apartment up here, I have to use it to store other stuff like kitchen supplies, spices, laundry materials, and a bunch of other miscellaneous things. Thanks to the lack of space my shoebox-less shoes have been feeling a little neglected lately. See...

What a mess, right?! Note: some shoes made it to their proper homes in the box or the hanging shoe rack after this picture was taken.

Thanks to mom's brilliant space-saving idea, and me finally making it to Target, all my shoes now have a home. Know where?

Under my bed!! :) And I got a tub with rollers so it easily slides in and out. Now... there's room for more. ;)

Don't expect Spring Cleaning Part II any time soon.... :) In fact, you might be waiting til Fall. ;)

Sunday, March 21

A glorious weekend and ... the other woman, dun dun duuuun

Sorry for my lack of posting this weekend, it has been absolutely glorious outside, and I haven't thought much about sitting in front of my laptop posting. Maybe if my comp had more battery life I could write outside, but right now we're down to an hour of juice at peak performance, so that was an impossibility.

I went for a nice little hike on Saturday. Nothing strenuous or too secluded (since I walked alone), but it was quite nice. I took a portion of the Mt. Vernon trail (most commonly trekked by bikers en route to Mt. Vernon), called the Dyke Marsh Preserve. I must say... it wasn't the most beautiful stretch of land at this time of year, but I could see green starting to emerge from the depths of brown, and I could hear the birds chirping their joyous Spring-time songs. The water was softly lapping to the East, and the trees were rustling with the light wind.

There is life at the end of this dark and depressing winter!! I see green!

Alexandria's skyline. The tallest point is the National Masonic Temple where I saw fireworks at New Years.

Big & Little
Before my hike I walked through the nearby Belle Haven Marina. Boats have always fascinated me. It's just a shame that I get sea sick. Thank the Lord for Dramamine!

One of the things that fascinates me the most are the names people come up with for their boats. Some are boring, yes, but some... are just laughable. Like this one...

Can't you just imagine the thought behind this one? Too funny! :) "Honey, I'm sorry, I can't go to the (fill in the blank) with you today, I'm going to be out to sea with the other woman."

I got a little artsy... wouldn't this make a cool puzzle? I hear they rent these out, which makes me super excited. Now, if I can just find someone to go with me!!

This duck was my friend for the hiking trip. He seemed to be following me like a little guardian angel. Do you think he'd kayak with me? ;)

Or maybe just swim alongside me? :)

I hope your weekend was as beautiful as mine! Cherry Blossom Festival next weekend! Yay!