Tuesday, May 25

Photos galore, and another bday!

This morning when I arrived at work, I had an email declaring that it was Cookie Monster's birthday today. And since I was formerly aka Cookie Monster, it makes it a special day for me too! Yay! Sorry to disappoint, I got home too late to actually bake cookies, but they will be made this week, and the sender of the email will get a box in the mail. See the things you get for being my friend?! :) Oh, and you must check out the Cookie Monster link above... It's Muppet Wiki....how much cooler can you get.

Now for the much anticipated photos. The only documented days were Tuesday and Sunday nights (at least on this camera).

I was too busy working the rest of the time to take photos! :)

l to r Jennifer, Henry, Daddy, Brooke & Baby Niece or Nephew to be (can't wait!!)

Bryan being pensive. I think he was listening to Roger who somehow didn't make it into any pictures. :(

Daddy and baby Henry

My one and only niece who just got the most darling haircut EVER, Momma, and handsome Andrew

Candid happiness!

Oh, Matthew, darling, how I love you!

This photo is priceless. Please note... nowhere on this page am I using my typical "silly face." It is now out of fashion apparently.

The only boys that make me happy right now. :) Plus Henry, of course! Please note I said boys, not men.

Yay for a GREAT evening with the family!

Jack says, Welcome to the party goin' on in Charlotte! Jack works in the other end of our hall with Clubs and Associations as does Son.

 Converse ladies...Apparently we weren't the only ones who wore our sunglasses at night. Kara, Connie, and I on our last night in CLT.

We may carry guns, but don't think that means we aren't all for peace. Kara! LOVE her!

Sister Brooke's best friend in high school sang this song that went, "Pick another nose, pick a nose next to you, pick another nose, and sing, sing alonggggg!" Now I sing it too. Like my "wonder woman" bracelet? :) Oh, and Son is sporting the shades someone left at the Banquet Thursday night. (the same ones Kara had on) They were genuinely from the 80s, and we LOVED them.

Favorite picture of the night. Me and the dance-off champ(also my workout buddy). Apparently asians can dance... who knew?!

Sunday, May 23

Happy Birthday, Courtney!

My oldest and dearest friend, I hope your birthday was the most fabulous day ever. 24 is going to be our best year yet, I can feel it!! I found this photo on facebook and just couldn't resist sharing it! You look so fabulous, as always!

I love you to infinity and beyond, Snort!!! Happy Birthday!

Tired, but happy!

Ahh, blog readers, I have so much to tell you since we last spent time together! My events in Charlotte went smoothly, and overall it was a grand success. I can't tell you $$ numbers yet, but I'm hoping those'll be ready to share soon. As with every new event, there were a few snafoos, but I think that I was able to maneuver through most of them relatively well.

I hate that all my pictures got downloaded to the work computer instead of the home computer, so I'll have to wait til tomorrow to get pictures to you. :(

I was SO grateful to get to see my family on Tuesday of the week in Charlotte. I always miss them, but it didn't really hit home as to how much I miss them until I was in their presence. (Love and kisses to you all!) The kids are growing up so fast!! Pictures of their adorableness to follow.

I was also really excited to get to see Clay on Saturday, and some friends from church popped in unexpectedly, too!

The long days of work ended with long nights out, and I believe I've made several good friends from among my coworkers. :) Pictures of the weekend outings to follow.

You would think that once my events were over, my life would slow down, but that is far from the truth. We've been working vigorously to finalize the events, all while trying to catch up on everything we missed for a week, and the things we put on the back burner prior to the event. Whew, I'm getting tired just thinking about it! My days were all thrown off this last week since we flew home on Monday only to go into work on Tuesday. I make it sound like I've been a mad woman, but I must say I wouldn't trade a minute of it. This is the kind of work I love - work that keeps me on my toes, constantly throws new people my way, and develops a product that is a very tangible one. I am a happy girl! Tired, but happy!!

I'm hoping it's that constant positive energy that made Mason (our warehouse manager and someone I work closely with) think of me when he saw this book at the bookstore.

He handed it to me in the Barnes and Noble bag on his way to the airplane, and when I looked at him with curiosity, he said, "I give people books, it's just my 'thing'." I peaked in the bag, smiled, said thank you and didn't open the bag again until I got home. I must say, it was a great gift. It's been very good so far. Perfect for me, and I can't wait to pass it on!

So, until tomorrow when I have pictures, au revoir et bon soir! (Goodbye and good night)

Oh, and I'll tell you about my weekend tomorrow too! :)