Saturday, December 26

Curls and Pearls: Christmas Edition

Sometimes in life we need gentle little reminders of those things that we know deep down. You know those things, that if asked, we know the correct answer, but "things" can get in the way. My gentle reminder: Christmas really is about two important things... celebrating Jesus's birth and being with/remembering family. That's all. It's not about the items you open or the place you are. The video is a clip in the vein of the intro scene (not available on youtube) to one of my favorite Christmas movies, Love Actually. The simplicity of this scene keeps you humble and reminds us the power of love and family. I hope it touches you the way it does me.

Christmas was much different for the Young/Eaton/Barrineau family this year, definitely for the still Young family. We spent Christmas Eve in a Holiday Inn Express, and enjoyed continental brkfst surrounded by snow and xmas trees that we didn't decorate. Christmas presents weren't all wrapped, and they sat on a table rather than under a tree. But, I could've cared less the package or what came in it (althought they were awesome), because I spent it with people I love. With the past year being so unpredictable, I wasn't even sure that I'd be spending Christmas with anyone, and I'm so grateful that not only did I spend it with my fam, but I also got to enjoy seeing my BEAUTIFUL new nephew, Henry. And, yes, he's a boy, and he's beautiful. ;) It's amazing, it feels like yesterday that we had the first Christmas with the Andrew and Matthew. I can't wait to see them all today!

So, enough of my sentimental chatter, and on to the pictures! I was Santa this year, thanks to my hat from Jingle Step Aerobics.

Christmas Breakfast in the Lobby - Not exactly the usual belgian waffles, but a white Christmas, with trees! :)

Two essential elements to a stocking: an orange in the toe and nuts.

New toy! Very snazzy camera perfect size for an evening clutch!

Demonstrating my new toy!

Daddy's first attempt at a "self-portrait" without a remote control! Pretty good, right?

Momma and me!

Cute photo of M&D.
Smallest Young family tree, with presents.

"Christmas Dinner"

Playing Santa for the Barrineau's.

Christmas Baby!! :) Isn't he just the sweetist thing?! I'm so proud of Jennifer and Bryan!
Self-portrait take 2. Better!

The "babies."

Christmas baking with Momma.

And the results!! :) Aren't they beautiful, thanks to my new cake decorating tips!

Thankful for 2 babies this Christmas!

Monday, December 21

Common Miconceptions About Snow

Christmas lights look pretty on houses covered in snow.
  • They only look pretty when people actually take the time to clean off the lights/bushes after they've slaved away all day cleaning off their driveway so they can make it to work in the morning.
A weekend snow blizzard equals a weekend of great outdoors fun.
  • So, you want to know what I did all weekend? Watch TV, eat, take pictures, sleep, clean off car, watch my car almost get smashed between an SUV and a maxima without even moving, oh and did I say EAT. Hence why I worked out today.
Everything shuts down when it snows.
  • Unfortunately, just because DC is in the middle of the blizzard, doesn't mean the rest of the nation is covered in snow. THEREFORE, the NRA never closes. Period. Apparently the government, all schools, and everything but retailers and headquarters shut down. That does not mean that parking lots are clean and easy to maneuver thru!
Snow is easy to walk around in.
  • Even with my wonderful LL Bean duck boots, I was slipping and sliding everywhere! Why do movies always make snow-walking look so smooth?
Snow plows clear the streets.
  • Snow plows only clear the streets they feel like, and they don't do the greatest job ever. So, a road that used to be 2 lanes, is now one, and a right turning lane is now a straight lane, and they do a "half-butt" job in parking lots. My roommate Michelle said half-butt, and I just thought it was too cute not to repeat. Fortunately, I did make it to work in less time than usual, because half the world is shut down (it just so happens I'm in the half that isn't).
Shoveling pretty fluffy snow is easy.
  • Shoveling is not easy, whether it's snow or dirt. And it's especially not easy when you don't have a shovel. In fact, when you only have a plastic bucket it really, really stinks.

But on a POSITIVE note!

1)My little nephew was born on Saturday! I'm so proud of my sister! She has a beautiful, healthy, boy!

2)The SUV that almost smushed me ended up being the way that I was able to get out on time this morning.

3)I got a package in the mail at work this morning!!