Thursday, April 8

Bright Colors = Joyful Sarah!

As Amber so aptly pointed out today, much has happened since I last posted. However, I've gotten home exhausted every night, and after a long day of sitting in front of a computer, the furthest thing from my mind is opening this one up. But please don't think that means I don't love y'all.

Happy belated Easter! I hope you enjoyed your day as much as I enjoyed mine. I spent a rather lazy day reading, and then got showered and dressed to go to evening church at GraceDC with Allison. It was a great service, and I'm starting to like it more each time I go. Now, I just need to get involved so I can make more friends!! There are lots of young people there, so I'm excited about the possibilities. And... it'll be even easier to get involved if I make the move that I'm planning to on June 1st.

My dear friend Allison has invited me to move into the house she's closing on tomorrow. It is a fantastic deal and puts me very close to the heart of the city (which is what I wanted!!). I'll be about 5 blocks from the metro and only 1 from the interstate that will take me to work. It's this darling little row house in Eastern Market. The color just shouts "Hello!" at you. I'd be in the blue one. :)
I took this shot with my bberry as I took a walk around the area at dusk while Allison was finishing a paper. She let me spend the night after the Easter service to check out the commute to work. Not bad, not bad at all.

Oh, and this I MUST tell you. Some of you will recognize the small miracle in this statement more than others... I parallel parked in Eastern Market on the first try with the smoothest of motions. I looked at Allison and clapped with excitement. (This is the first time I have efficiently and effectively parallel parked since I prepared for my drivers exam.) I will have to do a lot more of that if I do indeed make the move since our parking is on the street you see above.
I did some snooping and went in the back patio gate even though it's still technically not Allison's. Can anyone tell us why the lights are on in every room? It's odd. Anyways. I'm very excited about the possibility, and the area is perfect for me. It's like Converse Heights in row houses. So cute!

Tuesday I delivered Easter goodies to the majority of the staff on our hall until I ran out.They were my own variations of these cake balls that are all the rage on

These are Bakerella's version, as I didn't photograph mine. Chocolate cake with peanut butter and marshmallow fluff coated in chocolate & white cake with lemon royal icing covered in white chocolate. The chocolate ones were the biggest hit at work with the strongest review being Jeremy this morning with wide eyes saying, "Sarah, did you make these? (I said yes) These are $(#* good!!" It was quite a funny moment. haha

Wednesday was a good day! The package mom sent me arrived with my goods to "Sarah-fy" the little cubicle I call home on the weekdays. Its still in process, as I've yet to add the ric-rac she bought to coordinate, but I can only do so much in one day! Check it out!!

I joined some folks from the membership division for a roof top event in Clarendon Wednesday after work. It was quite fun getting to know some people I see often but never have any reason to talk to. I was grateful to Ian for the invite, and had a blast!

I'm slowly but surely branching out and feeling more comfortable here. I just need to find little ways (like the fabric bulletin board) to make DC home. Hopefully, I'll be in a new place come June and can really start getting settled!