I'm so sorry it's been a week since I posted last. I promised myself I wouldn't slack off... now I'm promising you that I'll do better. Much has happened since I last updated you, so I'm writing via snapshots as I think this'll speed up my writing so I can get some much needed beauty rest.
So, buckle up! I'm about to take you on the speed tour of my week.
Wednesday night I went to Happy Hour at Pentagon Row with some fabulous Converse ladies, Valerie and Amber. It was my first time meeting Amber, and it's always nice to expand my Converse network. Although our school is small, the bonds of sisterhood are strong (cheesy, but true). Because I arrived early, which is a habit I'm working on, I had time to browse a local shoe warehouse called DSW, and I found these shoes I just LOVED, but realized I had no use for, even if they were a good deal. I also did a brisk walk through the adjacent mall after our happy hour. My feet were SCREAMING at me by the end, since I had on appx. 4 inch heals that I wore all day. There were lots of fun shops, and I look forward to another trip with lower shoes.
Friday I got to see my darling friend Sarah Walters who invited me out with her new colleagues who were super fun! We went to this great little dive called Galaxy Hut in Arlington, which feels like some hippy-trippy Asheville bar. They had pac-man games for tables and contemporary art everywhere. It felt like a college boys apartment met an asheville hippy's tree house. So fun! We had a little issue getting SW's car out of the work garage, so it ended up being a sleepover at my place. Hanging out with Sarah is always a blast!
Rainbow Row of DC
For those worried about my safety, I promise cops and safety officers are not far away. There's one now! :)
Sunday I had the opportunity to go to church with Allison (see Smithsonian entry). It's the same church I attended last week just a different branch/location. The first picture in this set is where I went to church. Yes... the "Ebenezer's" picture. Remember, church is the people, not the building. :) After the service, we went for a splurge brunch at Bistro Bis right past Union Station. The food was SO good, and we left without breaking the bank because we split everything but our coffee, which costs $3.75(It must have been Starbucks Limited Edition blend for that rate!). After brunch we went our separate ways, and I walked around the shops in Union Station. While I was there I picked up a cute little chinese takeout type box from Papyrus for Anib's popcorn gift. Her bday was Friday, and her bday request was that I blog(Happy Birthday, Amber!) and bring the caramel popcorn I blogged about last week.
Today felt like a tornado. It was 60 degrees out. The sky was dark. It rained and hailed, and the rain was so bad on my way home that I could barely see the headlights lined up behind me. This crazy man in his giant Tahoe was being so aggressive trying to squeeze into traffic today that I swear I heard his car squeak his nose in. I know our cars were touching, and I was SO mad. The picture above was taken at a stoplight, and through the water covered window. It's not great, but it shows how dark it was when it was supposed to be light.
Last, but not least, I had BodyPump class today. I'm getting much better about how much weight I'm using. I didn't take a picture of the weights... but I did carry this entire load of groceries in in one trip. Included in the groceries was .5 gallon of milk, 5 lbs. bag of sugar, 1 lb. powdered sugar, several cans, 4 lbs. of chicken stock, and much, much more. Aren't you proud?! ;)
Oh, and exciting news! Clay semi-surprised me with a trip up for Valentine's weekend. Guess who's excited?! :)
Midnight - WHAT?! I must sleep! Night!