National Potato Chip Day!
Yup! You heard me right. A day to honor the nation's #1 selling snack food. Here's a little history on the potato chip:
"It is hard to believe that the world's most famous snack food began as a joke. Potato Chips were first made in 1853 while Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt was on vacation in New York. At one restaurant, he kept sending his fried potatoes back to the kitchen because he said they were "too thick". The chef, George Crum, decided that he would cut them into paper-thin slices, boil them in oil, fry them, and salt them as a joke to the Commodore. It backfired. They became an instant success and the restaurant was well known for them."
Oddly enough though, for the most American snack food, my favorite potato chip remains in Canada. In 2002, I took my second trip to Canada, and discovered a potato chip with which no other chip can compare, at least in my mind: the
Ketchup Chip. Unfortunately, it is hardly available in the US do to the lack of popularity. And trust me, I've looked in every grocery store I've been in since 2002... that's almost 8 years of searching. I found out
why I can't find them today.

Apparently in Canada, ketchup is wildly popular and paired with just about everything. Yes, we Americans put ketchup on french fries, but how many of us dip our chips in them, or pour it on your omelets, or in your chicken soup. Some genius in Canada had the great idea of using ketchup's spices and ingredients to coat a tasty chip in a rich, dark red dusting that is the perfect combination of tangy and sweet. You may think that sounds and looks like a BBQ chip, but I assure you that with one crunch of the potato chip you will find a whole new, enticing flavor.

So, ketchup is my favorite flavor, and I realize it's a little bizarre, but you should see the type of chips I found in my research this morning. Let me give you this sample of flavors that were chosen top 5 for "Walkers" new flavor in the UK in a "Do us a flavour" promotion. Crispy Duck & Hoisin, Builders Breakfast, Fish & Chips, Onion Bhaji, Chili and Chocolate, and Cajun Squirrel. Others I found: Calbee Seaweed and Salt, Wasabi, Cajun Crawtaters, Old Bay, Lobster, Ramen, Mayonnaise, and the list goes on and on.
That made me consider... if I could create a potato chip flavor, what would it be? Mine is the Formula 45 Potato Chip, with the perfect selection of Thousand Island seasonings with an extra dash of dill.
Tell me your flavor and I'll send you a bag of ketchup chips. No joke. I'm about to place my order, so let's hear some responses!!