Wednesday, January 5

Life in Twenty11

The past several months, we've been designing support materials for the 2011 event season. Never in all that time did I think it would be hear this fast. We kept referring to everything as "next year" and had to go through extra steps to make our database work for 2011, but when I returned to work today, I didn't have any of those old frustrations; I did, however, have a panic moment of "Um, it's twenty11, I don't have half the stuff done I planned to by now!" I'm still kind of having that panic moment right now, but I'm trying to grab hold of the proverbial "bull" twenty11 by it's horns and take it down. Where did 2010 go? For that matter... where did 2008-2010 go?

I'm so very fortunate and grateful that this year in DC/NOVA has brought me many friends, and so many enjoyable moments. Even when you think things can't get any better, SURPRISE!

The New Year was appropriately rung in with 2 great girlfriends and an incredibly fabulous cousin. After thinking I'd be late to the gathering, I arrived to Christina and Alex's place only to discover the preparations for the evening were a little bit more delayed on their end, but it worked out perfectly since I was craving a fun girls' night, reminiscent of the college days when we got ready for evenings out, cocktail parties, and semi-formals.

An hour and a half after I arrived, we were close to ready to head for dinner. We didn't have reservations, and I said, why not Hank's Oyster Bar across the street. Tina handed me the phone and said, "I just dialed, they're about to pick up." I, being the extremely friendly person I am, quickly made friends with the maitre d' who said if I could be there in 5 minutes he'd give me the table that cancelled as long as we were out by 10:30. Perfect! We grabbed coats, ran out the door, and walked in the restaurant in just under 5 to find that we had one of the two sought-after window seats. Our waiter was the best in the house, sparking our decision to make Hank's a monthly occurrence around his schedule. He may have also enjoyed a little of our dramatic stories and a sip of our celebratory champagne. Oh, how I love good service. It makes a good restaurant outstanding.

Like all good things, dinner had to come to an end, and we lost Leslie to bed for the second half of the evening. We got our taxicab a little lost en route to the house party where we rang in the New Year with some new and old friends. We all kissed (on the cheek of course) at midnight to ward off what some say might be bad luck, and started the trek home on foot. Despite many, many, many attempts to get a taxi in the streets full of stumbling, coat-less people with New Years hats, we walked most of the way home to Christina and Alex's place where we slept til noon and woke up to a delicious quiche courtesy of Christina.

I may have missed out on the hoppin' johns and collard greens, and perhaps I didn't have the typical New Years Eve kiss, but I feel really good about this year. I have no doubts it may be one of the best yet. Next post I'll try to let you in on a few of my New Years resolutions.

xoxo SY

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