Actually, you don't. And I'm to blame. After two months of hiatus, I don't really know which you'd rather hear about: what I've been up to the past two months, or what this week looks like for me. I guess there is mystery and intrigue in leaving you in the dark (hence the title), but I do have some fun things that happened I'd like to report. So, I've decided to give you a brief rundown of the facts with minimal pictures and since one of my resolutions is to be better about this blog, I'll update you on the current happenings next time. Capiche?

I was delighted to have mom come for a visit in early November for the long Veteran's Day weekend. We enjoyed several of my favorite spots with an evening tour of the monuments, and visited a few new places I hadn't seen before including Mt. Vernon and the Botanical Gardens. I highly recommend both spots, and I plan to visit both again. Mt. Vernon was like a walk back in time, but yet it was so well preserved; I can understand why Washington loved it so. I've determined I'm going to make it a goal to see it once in every season. The winter trip is already in the planning stages.
Neither of these are the greatest in photo quality, but they make me happy, so I thought I'd share them with you. I'll post the others in the picasa gallery soon. This one's going in a frame on my desk as soon as it gets printed! Yay for family visits!
A few weeks after mom's trip up, I journeyed south for the Thanksgiving holidays. Brooke's family was there for my entire stay, meaning I got some much needed quality time with the niece and nephews I miss dearly. Jennifer's family dropped in for a couple of days, which meant I got to see little Henry. On my Christmas trip home, we took this photo after he'd taken some of his first steps sans hands or objects. Btw, when I say "little" I'm being fececious. Happy 1st birthday, Henry!
Unfortunately, while I was home for Thanksgiving, I contracted the stomach bug, along with three other members of my family. What a way to spend your last 12 hours at home, much less the last 12 hours before boarding a plane. No fun! Don't worry... I was free of the bug by the time I passed through airport security, I didn't track it onto the plane.
After a long plane ride spent starving and wishing I could eat, I arrived home in DC to rest up before a bustling week with all the field reps in town, and the official start of my 2nd year at the NRA. The busy week concluded with our Annual Awards banquet, which Amber affectionately calls the NRA Prom, which we followed up with a bowling outing in cocktail attire. Quite a fun evening. Did I mention, I love my coworkers?
Nicole, Jeremy, Amber, and I after Jeremy won the Top Gun Award
Amber, Kara, and I rockin' bowling shoes and cocktail dresses
The NRA Prom kicked off the Holiday season for me in DC, and plays great part in my lack of blogging. The past few months really feel like a blur, but fortunately, it's a glittery blur filled with many bright spots and fabulous friends.
The Friday after the NRA Prom (which Amber, Kara, Melissa, Nicole, and I went stag to), Danny and I attended the DC Holiday Gala with my friends Maria and Jason, and we danced the night away at Town Hall while supporting a great charity. So, THIS is why I moved to DC. :) Arts, culture, the social circuit. The evening was fabulous, and I was in the best company. Maria, can you hook me up with the photo of us again?
The following week I co-hosted the T5 Dinner club with Chance. Gumbo, cornbread, good conversation, new friends... the supper club I always wanted to have. Tina, Alex, Brychan, Chance, and I each invited a new person to introduce to the group, and very quickly my little den was busting at the seams. It was there that I met our new friend Leslie, who I'm sure you'll hear about in future postings.
The next weekend was a busy one preparing to head out of town, and enjoying the holidays. The season wouldn't be complete with out some christmas lights, though, so I traveled through the "Festival of Lights" at Bull Run with Danny, and the miles of lights deposited us into a quaint little carnival including a ferris wheel, Santa, smores, cotton candy, a shooting activity, and a darts game. There were of course other things there, these were just the only things we did before our toes and ears almost fell off in the mind-numbing cold. Note to self: when there's snow on the ground in any capacity, boots and/or tights are a necessity. Thank goodness, I'd bought a hat the week before. Poor Danny about lost his ears to frostbite.
My trip home was a breeze, and I was so grateful to see my family twice in such a short time span (3x for mom). Mom, Dad and I spent Christmas Eve with friends, and Christmas morning celebrating by ourselves. The snow started falling around noon at both of my sister's houses, and we were all a little worried that our Christmas reunion may not happen after all, but thankfully, God cleared the path for both families to come as planned on Sunday afternoon. We had great fun opening gifts and hanging out stomach bug free.
I had the great opportunity to see Courtney, TJ, Margaret, Dani, and Warren all while I was home. The only person I missed was dearest Lil' Sis Rachel. If only I could transplant them into my life up here! They are all sorely missed.
I returned on Wednesday morning, and headed straight for work. Talk about exhausted! After a day and a half of work, it was vacation time again. Happy New Year! I spent the evening celebrating with a much needed girls night. I'll tell you all about it, and the rest of my ladies' weekend in the next post. (hopefully tomorrow)
Much love and hope for the New Year! Welcome Twenty 11... we weren't quite ready for you!