Sunday, August 15

An Elle of a Week

Another week has flown by in my life. Before we know it, Christmas is going to be here, and we'll be celebrating the dawn of 2012. Such a scary thought! I'll be 24 in just a few more short weeks. No longer allowed to compete in the Miss America system. hah! (Yes, that used to be a goal of mine.)

The field ops division (young folks) have started playing Trivia in Arlington once a week, and let me tell you... we need to stick to our day jobs. Most of you know trivial knowledge is NOT my forte, and apparently with all our smart heads put together we still don't have enough knowledge to compete with the trivia regulars that chant "G O Graph-y" and other random "call-backs" when the announcer says certain terms. But we have fun, none-the-less. Amber and I were excited to find this random tele booth outside of Union Jack's in the mall where we play trivia.
However, when Amber went to open it so we could get fun photos inside the booth, we were terribly disappointed to find that the tele booth doesn't open and it won't, in fact, transport us like all the magical tele booths in movies. Sad day! :(
Where would I have wished it transported me? Hmm... good question. Too bad your not allowed to tell wishes if you want them to come true. ;)

Wishing wasn't necessary for our next ladies theater adventure. We'd gotten seats way in advance, no need to worry about getting our pretty little heads or bottoms wet due to the nasty rain the day of our outdoor theater venture at Wolf Trap. Legally Blonde! We made sure to dress in our girliest attire (no, I didn't wear pink although I would've if my dress was clean) and got ready for a fun evening at Kara's darling new condo that would rival my old roommie Sarah Marion's Nantucket inspired dorm rooms.
After a tasty home-cooked meal we journeyed the short distance to Wolf Trap National Performing Arts Park, the only National Park with that designation. I took a photo of the front of the car too, but they asked that I not post it eventhough it's ridiculously cute!
This photo of the stage is contraband, so shhh, don't tell on me! We had a great view, for relatively inexpensive tickets, and the show was a blast. The singing was very musical theater (some of you will get that comment), but overall the performance was hilarious and fun.
We packed some food and bevs to go, and had a little snack picnic during the show. So fun! Oh, and I finally got to wear my Calvin Klein maxi dress that I bought for 4th of July, but took a month and a half to find time to hem it a full five inches to wear with flops. I felt very boho-chic.
Amber was the epitome of Elle for the evening with her pink heels, blonde hair, and pink chihuahua bag. And being the huge fan she is she bought a sweatshirt from the gift shop, and surprised us all with fuzzy-top pens like the ones Elle uses on her first day of law school.
As cheesy as the show was a little wine was necessary, and we found the perfect amount in the to-go mini bottles many grocery stores carry these days. I think this photo is a little ridiculous, but Amber thought it was the cutest ever, so... Amber, this is for you. :)
Our lovely front seat crew, Kara and Melissa!! Yay for a fun night to round out a wonderful week!


  1. Lucky ducks!! Looks like y'all had so much fun!
    Here's some blonde trivia for ya:
    Did you know that only 16% of women in the U.S. are born blonde?

  2. Sarah!! Great blog post- and that picture of us on the end deserves some definite snaps (Legally Blonde 2).
