Monday, August 9

Brooke comes to the big city

I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe I can finish this blog post without throwing my laptop from the third floor window of my home. It has become painstakingly slow. And I've wiped virtually everything off of it. The time from window to window, link to link, or photo to photo is so broken that I keep a book by my side to read in between the breaks. By the end of August, I will have a new computer, and that is a promise! According to this, I have an extra day, since in ThinkPad time it is currently 9:01 PM, August 08, 2010, as opposed to 9:24 PM, August 09, 2010.

Happier news though... I had my first family visitor of 2010. YAY! Brooke came for a visit Thursday through today, and when she drove in I was giddy with excitement. She arrived after the heavy rain storms on Thursday night in the hot and sticky night air. I gave her the option of pizza or burgers as our options were limited due to the time and our grumbling stomachs. She chose burgers so we headed to Good Stuff for a burger, fries, and a toasted marshmallow shake. And there began the calorie/fat/grease rollercoaster that had my stomach flippin' more than Top Gun does.

Friday she headed off to the metro after I left for work on her first metro trip ever... alone. And, she did WONDERFULLY. I mean, who would've ever thought she was capable of any less. She got to see almost everything she wanted to see while I was at work, which worked out perfectly, leaving us with relaxing "hang out" time mostly sightseeing free the rest of the weekend.
Christina joined us for a Young family brunch around the corner from my house at the fantastic Belga Cafe. <3 We had a delicious breakfast feast before heading to Eastern Market for an afternoon of shopping where Brooke and I picked out our dinner for the evening, grocery-store-free. Once Brooke and I arrived home we rested weary feet while watching some movies and starting some homemade bread and dulce de leche (recipe courtesy of my friend Maria at Capital Chef).

The photos are mostly for the kids enjoyment, and I know some of them are a little funny, but they make me smile thinking about the kids making the same bread the week before.
I look like a caricature here, with a giant head, big eyes and a small body. Makes me laugh...
Brooke's awesome action shot that makes it look like the whole cookie sheet is spinning.

I wish you could smell it...

Can you believe a can of fat free sweetened condensed milk could yield such ooey gooey goodness after a 2 hour boiling water bath? Both recipes are incredibly easy and delicious. They were perfect for our lazy Saturday afternoon.

Sunday was a bit more active as we journeyed to church, the Iwo Jima Memorial, the Netherlands Carillon, NGA, and the Kennedy Center. We swung in Iwo Jima and Netherlands on the way back to the house from church.
I hadn't actually walked up to the Netherlands Carillon before, I'd just seen it from afar and above. It certainly yields some beautiful views for such an industrial looking monument.
After grabbing a quick bite at the house we hopped the metro to the National Gallery of Art for where one mother saw a unique chalice that was used in the early Catholic church and told her children it was "The Holy Grail." Brooke and I just looked at each other and laughed. Some people aren't worth correcting in those situations. Speaking of the holy grail, can you name this biblical character?
And Converse ladies, can you name this famous sculpture that bears the same name as something we all hold dear?... NOT a valkyrie (don't you DARE guess that)!
I'm so delighted Brooke and I share common cultural interests, since I've been here almost a year and no one has ventured into the NGA with me. Thanks Brooke!
Brooke did her research and found us a free Latin Jazz concert at the Kennedy Center, which I did not have high hopes for, but I do enjoy occasionally being proven wrong. We were treated to a toe-tappin' and shoulder shakin' good time by Christopher Washburne and the SYOTOS band with special guest and 89 year old living legend Candido Camero. It was fantastic (and I don't say that often about music especially when admitting I'm wrong)!
Stealing a view of Georgetown's waterfront

Thanks for coming to visit, Brooke! It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend visit, with just the right amount of exploring, bonding, and vegging. Who's my next visitor?


  1. Ha, you made the dulce de leche! I have yet to make home-made bread, but you've inspired me!

    you and your sister are too cute!

  2. This could also be entitled Brooke's Last PreBaby Fling ;-)
