Thursday, June 24


I have a bed that's no longer sitting on the floor! Yay!

Which leads to my Home Depot rant promised on Monday, but it'll be brief because I'm tired and have no pictures. (If you work with me you may as well not read this, because you've heard the story at least twice.)

So, as everyone knows my box springs did not fit up the third flight of stairs in the new house, which left me without anything to set my mattress on other than the floor where it's been the past 3 weeks. With much debate, it was determined that I would purchase particle/OSB board for to separate the mattress from the frame. A queen size bed is 60"x80" by definition, so I went to Home Depot (one in Alexandria because I happened to be in the area, but it is far from my new home and the office) and purchased 2 pieces of 4'x8' plywood (the only applicable size that wasn't huge) and had the Home Depot staff cut 4 pieces measuring 60"x20" for me. I said over and over to the two men cutting my precious plywood, "Please make sure it is 60"x20"." They measured it and proceeded to cut it in a rather lackadaisical manner while speaking in a foreign tongue I could not recognize. They then told me they'd help me get it in my car (which never happened). So, I load the wood into my little civic by myself, drive home to DC, unload the car, carry the wood pieces up three flights of stairs, set up the frame, attach the frame to the headboard, and go to drop the plywood into the frame of the bed.....

Dun, dun, DUNNNNN....

The plywood is LITERALLY 1/16" too long. Since the frame has an 90 degree edge that the boards must drop into, I cannot use the boards. So I have to undo the frame from the headboard, break the frame down, put my mattress back on the floor, take the wood back down the stairs and RELOAD my car. It's as if you pushed Rewind on me, and I did everything again but in reverse. I was so LIVID that the reloading didn't happen until the next evening.

The next day I call Home Depot in Fairfax to see if they'd help me out at lunch to save me the trip back to Alexandria. I ask to speak with the manager after the girl at the counter couldn't help. And do you know what he tells me?!
HD: "I'm sorry but we cannot make cuts less than 4" ma'am, so unfortunately we cannot help you. Did the people that helped you not inform you that our cuts are not precise?" WHATTTTTT?
Me: "Excuse me, are you saying that the none of your cuts are precise, and you can't cut less than 4" so basically the boards I paid good money for are useless."
HD: "Well, ma'am, I don't know why they cut them wrong, but I'm saying we can't change those boards."
Me: "Again, so my boards are useless?! So what are you recommending I do sir. I'm a single female living in the city with absolutely no access to tools or a mover to do this yet again, and I think what you are telling me is absolutely ridiculous." 
HD: "Well you can bring the boards back and I will make a special case for you to return them."
Me: "But sir, you are also saying that you make no guarantee that this exact situation won't occur with another set of boards."
HD: "That is correct ma'am, we cannot make precise cuts due to the machine."
Me: "I am a little baffled at this situation."
HD: "Well I am offering to take the boards back in their entirety ma'am."
Me: "I don't HAVE the whole board!! I got it cut, and left the leftovers at the HD because they won't fit in my tiny room."
HD: "I'll take them back as is, just bring your receipt. And, I won't be here tomorrow when you bring them in so you'll have to speak with one of the managers and tell the (name omitted) approved the transaction." 

I got off the phone with the manager, and stormed down to Son's office (my voice of reason many days). Fortunately handyman Eric overheard me ranting and offered to cut the boards for me over the weekend (it was Thursday). After the whole issue with HD, I was very eager for someone else to fix the problem they had created, so Eric it is! And just a few days later... I have perfectly cut boards that hold my bed up just great! I would take a photo, but it's night time and one thing this room is lacking is an overhead light, and I've yet to get a floor lamp. So, pictures will come later.

I hope you enjoyed my rant and imagined me telling it in person. :) xo

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