Tuesday, June 22

A big hoorah for the man in charge

As the rain pours down outside and the cars whir by on the not too distant interstate, I'm reminded that time moves on around us even when we wish for just a moment it would stand still. I know this must be the case for my dear friend Allen Klump tonight as he celebrates the success of a year full of hard work in a victorious election for his candidate, Jeff Duncan. I helped him pick out his victory outfit 500 miles away this afternoon via blackberry messenger, and I made sure he shaved the run-off beard he's been growing. I'm so proud of him! But as proud as I am of him, I'm even more thrilled that he's one step closer to being my bud on Capitol Hill. We've already got patio parties planned for next summer in the Hill/Market neighborhoods. So if you live in SC's 3rd Congressional District, mark your calendar now for Nov. 2nd!

On a congressional note, I've been reading an intriguing article in this month's Vanity Fair since Sunday when I met Sarah for a relaxing afternoon basking in the hot sun. The article is entitled "The White House's Dinner Theater", and it is a very detailed (and long) report on State Dinner's since the first in 1874 between President Ulysses S. Grant and King Kalakaua of Hawaii. I may have found a new life goal. :) Allen... I need you to be elected President so I can be your Social Secretary or at least get invited to all the State Dinners. It's not the glamorous people or the fantastic entertainment that excites me but the idea of planning it all right down to the who should be seated next to the bachelor national security-advisor (Social Secretary Brethitt had to do this regularly for Henry Kissinger). Although, several people have said I'd make an excellent politician's wife, so maybe I could be the First Lady instead of the Social Secretary. Either way, FUN!

I picked this month's Vanity Fair up when I joined Sarah at her cousin's neighborhood pool for a brief afternoon of tanning. I'm going for that sun-kissed glow as opposed to my ghostly (and I think ghastly) winter blah. But don't worry, I wasn't there long enough to get burned since I went to church at Capitol Hill Baptist (yes, mom, I finally tried it!) which lasted a good two hours, and I have standing dinner plans on Sunday nights that meant I had to drive back into the city to shower and drive back to Alexandria. So needless to say, afternoon sun-bathing time was limited.

The evening was a fun one, as always at the Converse Alumni House of DC. :) Valerie, Jordan, and I made mini pepperoni, green pepper, and onion pizzas on boboli crust with peach cobbler and moose brownies for dessert. The pizza was fabulous, and we each had a share for lunch on Monday with our own little pack of mini pepperonis. Jordan made the desserts with love and a little too much water, but then Valerie added her own special touch which looked more like cave art than a culinary creation. Judge for yourselves...

The culprit was her moose cookie cutter from her travels.

Sarah W. joined us for dessert and the movie. What would a "Netflix" night be without a movie after all? The evening's selection was the quirky comedy, "The Invention of Lying" about a place where no one can lie, in fact it's like they have no filter at all, they just say what they think, and since no one can lie, they just automatically believe anything anyone says. There's a laundry list of big names, and it is a well-done funny film, although it leaves you contemplating the way people really view things, especially how non-christians view Christianity's take on Heaven/Hell, Sin/Salvation.But on another note, it also addresses how we perceive people, and the fact that looks don't determine a person's validity. If you can handle off-color humor, then I recommend the movie. If you can't.... don't bother. :) Personally, I thought it was funny.

Bedtime!! xoxo


  1. You are disappointing me Sarah, The Invention of Lying could have been SO funny if they did it right- but it was awful (and awfully boring)! But if you ever do become Social Secretary, I will be taking one of those invites from you... don't make me go Salahi on your dinners!

    P.S. If you are Social Secretary, I expect lots of moose brownies there.

  2. Okay I want that magazine back to read the article now! JK
    AND CONGRATS TO MR. KLUMP!! Can't wait to see you up here, friend.
    Does Mr. Duncan need a good LA?
