Monday, June 7

No Internet=Blog Hiatus

Hey, hey! I've been a busy little bee the past two weeks, and I've had tons of things I wanted to share with you all, BUT the new house doesn't have internet until the end of this week or the beginning of the next one. I know, I know, I could walk (yay for being in walking distance to places now) to the nearby wifi cafes but that wouldn't normally happen until like 8:30 at night, and by then I'm just too exhausted to walk, blog, and walk back. Call me lazy if you will, but I doubt you'd say that if you lived a day in my shoes. Needless to say, I'm sorry I haven't blogged. I've really wanted too!!

This blog post would be forever long if I included all that happened, so just pretend your catching up on the last season of your favorite show that just came out on dvd, and you are only allowing yourself one episode a day. With this in mind, for the next few blog posts, please forgive the fact that the events may be slightly out of sequential order!

First newsflash: I moved!! I am now an official resident of DC. Yes, this means I have no representation for the taxes that I pay, and I have limited abilities to possess firearms. BUT, I'm five blocks from the metro, one block from the interstate, 15 minutes walk to the steps of the Capitol, the Eastern Market, and plenty of restaurants, etc. LOVE it!

I did accept some trade offs for the prime location, though.
See old closet....
See new closet...

Current dresser:

Living space is on the same floor as the kitchen and in between there is a dining/bookshelf area. Unfortunately, the picture of it is acting up!

Love the living space though! Photos aren't uploading in full on this computer, so there are more to come another day, including the photo that shows my box springs currently sitting in the living room since they didn't make the turn in the stairs to the third floor of the house where my bedroom is.

Anyways, I am very happy with the move, and I'm totally excited to be finally where I wanted to be all along - in DC! YAY!

1 comment:

  1. This looks great! Can't wait to see SO soon!
