Tuesday, June 8

Memorial Day Celebrations on the Hill and Other Adventures

Disclaimer: This computer won't let me see the pictures once they're uploaded, so I am trusting that the appropriate images are displayed. xFingers Crossedx

Memorial Day Weekend was a fabulous one in the capitol of our great (although recently floundering) nation. It was beautiful, although sweltering hot, and full of activities.

After a long morning of packing on Saturday, I traveled over to the new Converse Alumni House, aka Val and Brit's place, for a lovely cookout. I've really enjoyed getting to know these ladies better, and I was thrilled to find out Dani was in town for the weekend. It was quite a Connie weekend. The guys grilled for us, and we enjoyed a delectable feast of hotdogs and hamburgers, sides, etc. Of course, with a little Cornhole and Rock Band on the side. So fun!

Then Dani and I journeyed to the heart of Old Town Alexandria to meet up with Sarah W. and her fun cousin Paula at their Annual Rolling Thunder event.

For those who don't know (I didn't), RT is an annual parade of motorcyclists that began as a protest after POW's from Vietnam did not get the attention they deserved after the war was over. The tradition has continued for years, and the bikes swarm around all of the towns and cities in the Greater DC area. Paula plans her event in Alexandria around the bikers in town. It's quite fun!

On Sunday after church we all gathered at the Hill for the Annual Memorial Day Concert broadcast live on PBS. The security was ridiculously tight, and I was so grateful I didn't bring my switchblade for opening things/safety, as my $70 knife (a gift) would've gotten thrown in the trash. Unfortunately, we can't all display our badges for a free pass through security. Will my NRA Member card work?! ;)

Liz Shirk (Margaret's sister) stopped by for the concert with her darling boyfriend. We all shared a cozy little picnic blanket. 2 boys, 5 girls, small space.

See all the people? Now you know what I mean by small space! And we were there early! Check out this "Fabulous view" a la Jordan (the tall one who can see anything regardless- jealous!).

We were a little warm, a little shiny from our trip to the pool, and extremely happy! It was a fabulous day!

A giant thank you to all who serve in our Armed Forces!

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