Saturday, May 1

It's official!

Oh readers... I'm so sorry I've neglected you all week. It's been quite a busy week for me, and I've honestly wanted to blog, but as the Annual Meeting draws nigh, my sleep is becoming more and more valuable. But I've missed you!

The pile of scholarship applications was just a hint of what was to come for the rest of this week. The next two days involved late nights at work and no gym time. (I feel a little like jello, and not in the wobbly, just-after-a-hard-workout way.) And on top of work stress, I had to deal with the DMV and my car tags this week as my SC plates expired yesterday. uhh.... what a hassle!

After a lot of fuss and praying, an overnighted passport, an accidental trip to the ghetto (and I do mean Gh-Etto), and 2 hours at the DMV, I am officially a DC resident. Yay! Oh, and single ladies... don't ever let anyone say you can't do manly car things on your own. I spent 20 minutes sitting on the ground trying to get that plate holder on the front of my car. What, what! :)

After a long week at work, I was delighted to spend the evening on Friday with Valerie and Britney (Climate Rally Connies) on the patio at Moe's eating a FREE burrito and chatting. It was a gorgeous night with great company!

This morning I headed in to work for just a bit then off to lunch and a day of shopping with Melissa. We loved this headband. And I do use "love" with sarcasm. :)

It's been a great weekend to cap off a busy, busy work week. I'm sure I'll need the relaxing weekend to gear up for next week as we prepare for Annual Meeting. Ahh, it's just around the corner!!

PS... I'm baking tomorrow!! Oh, and hopefully laying out so I no longer look like a ghost. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! You go girl!
    Passport?? Where you going?
