Sunday, April 25

I'm a peace-loving, blue-blooded tree-hugger... didn't you know?!

My back hurts, my feet are sore, my tummy is stuffed, and I am exhausted with capital E, but it was all worth it for a great day!

My trip to church and lunch with Valerie (Converse bud) turned into an all day affair when she asked if I wanted to join some of her friends (and now mine) for a harmless trip to the mall to "hear Sting play at some Earth Day thing." Little did we know that Sting wasn't playing until 7 PM, and we arrived at 12 with no blankets, no water, and no activities like cards or hackysack. (Not that we'd actually carry a hackysack around, although it would've been appropriate in this crowd.)

The Converse Ladies: LtoR Me, Brittany, Valerie

So we joined thousands on the mall for the long day of waiting for Sting's free concert. I felt like I was in the movie Forrest Gump at the peace rally where Forrest sees Jenny running through the reflecting pool.

We were a little out of place being the white-collar-young-conservatives-dressed-in-church-clothes that we all were, but it made for some interesting people watching, that's for sure! It was a star studded day with the likes of Grammy winner John Legend, hip-hop band The Roots, Patti LaBelle(we think that's who she was!), personal favorite Joss Stone (barefoot as always), Academy Award winner James Cameron (and a crew of Avatars), and a LOOOONG list of important and not-so-important speakers including the Reverend Jesse Jackson. Basically the schedule went like this... Music set for four songs, 5 speakers, music set for 2.5 songs, 6 speakers, etc., etc. Favorite quote of the day: "We need to take care of this planet, because there is no 'Planet B'." Get it!! haha :)

As James Cameron took the stage, these "Blue People" came out of the mob of people directly behind Brittany, and my look of shock at what I saw behind her made her think I'd seen a tornado in the distance, I was THAT alarmed. These people had fangs, cat-eye contacts, stilts, and loin clothes. It was SOO bizarre!

 The guy rocking the sousaphone in The Roots was my boyfriend for the day. He just was having such a great time, we all couldn't help but love him. Sorry the crowd was so dense, the only shot I got was of his back.

LOVE her!!! Joss Stone!! Made my day!

 Only at a Climate Rally would you see a giant mosh-ball made of... you guessed it... grocery bags! This thing was probably a good 10 feet in diameter. Craziness!

And after 6 hours of waiting, the man we'd all been waiting for finally took the stage for his 4 song set. By this point all of us were tired, cold, hungry, and in very tight quarters, but we had fun.

And to end this post I must say you can't ever say I don't support the climate or the NAACP. Peace to all! Hey guys, are we going shooting at the range tomorrow? ;)

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