Tuesday, October 26

A Comedy of Errors

It's Annual Meeting prep time again, and that means a site visit to Pittsburgh, PA to check out all our venues and explore options with catering, facilities, and the other event staffers.

The journey just ended about two hours ago, but it was supposed to start yesterday morning at the crack of dawn. Jeremy (my boss) and I have a knack for scheduling super early flights out of DC. So I was relieved that yesterday's flight didn't leave until 8:05am. I checked the itinerary before I left, and shouted as I walked out of the office on Friday, "I'll see you at 6:45 on Monday, Jeremy." Sunday night rolls around, I pack, and think I should run outside and check the itinerary, but I don't. I set my alarm for 4:45, finish packing, and head for bed. At 5:30, I'm making great time, about get dressed and walk out the door to the metro when I get a text from Jeremy: "You here yet?" Me: "Nah, I should get there around 6:33." Jeremy: "Our flight is at 6:00. You are kidding right?" Now... Jeremy is one who would kid, and make me think I was super late when I'm not, so I don't panic yet, but pick up the phone and dial Jeremy. He was NOT kidding. I heard the "now boarding zone 3 in the background," and panic hit. I threw on my dress, threw my toothbrush and hose in the bag, fly down the stairs, fling the suitcase in the front seat of my car, and drive like a maniac to the airport. I run at full speed toward what I think is the terminal, but then just keep hitting dead ends. I call Jeremy and I'm like, this is NOT looking good. He says, "See what you can do once you get to the desk, call MacNair and maybe they will be open before 8, or, you could always drive." I keep running for a few seconds then I come to an abrupt halt when I realize, this just isn't going to happen. So I stop, take a deep breath, call MacNair (our travel agent) and get directed to their emergency line. After quickly canceling my flight to avoid major penalties, we come to the agreement that flying just isn't an option. So, I get myself back in my car, google directions and start my trek to Pittsburgh.
To everyone's surprise, guess who arrived first at the Grand Pittsburgh Hotel? :) Me! I beat Jeremy by about 10 minutes. It turned out Jeremy had his own interesting morning, and I probably wouldn't have made it onto the connecting flight if we'd flown together since very-in-shape Jeremy was dripping sweat after running full speed through the terminals at JFK Airport in NY. He was the last to board the plane, and just barely made it by the end of his coat tails. We were both such a comedy of errors yesterday.

After my long, long day, it was nice to be an event planner. :) I needed a blood sugar pick me up when a tray of fruit arrived compliments of the hotel staff who also covered our lunch today.
Overall my take on Pittsburgh: when it's pretty, it's gorgeous, but all the rest of the time, it's dreary, cold, and just what you imagine Pittsburgh to be!

We got to walk through the Ballroom where my event will be, Heinz Stadium (and the Steelers locker room), this awesome old fire engine house, and the Console Energy Center where the Pittsburgh Penguins play hockey. It was quite an adventure, and I tried not to look like too much of a nerd when I was taking photos of the Super Bowl trophies in the "Great Hall" at Heinz Stadium.Which is why all the photos are a little fuzzy... I used my bberry instead of the high tech camera.
Quick trip, funny trip, semi-productive trip. I'll be back there soon... and this time I won't miss my flight.


1 comment:

  1. WOW!! I am exhausted after just reading this!
