Tuesday, September 21

Welcome Isaac, Welcome Allen, and Helloooo Google!

Ello, loves! I hope you all enjoyed the glorious weekend weather and company I did! Friday, Saturday, Sunday... delightful.

My Friday morning was so unproductive as I awaited the arrival of my newest (now I know) NEPHEW, Isaac, and I was so happy to finally hear he and Brooke were safe, happy, healthy and beautiful.
We hope to have photos sans tubes very soon, but he is precious none-the-less, and I'm sure to be as proud of him as my other 4, wait, I already am!

Monday the event services team minus Jeremy traveled to googleDC in Northwest for the opening lecture of Advertising Week DC. It was not put on by Google, just in their office space, but Google's political sector dude was a panelist, although he looked as if he was either extremely tired and sad or partaking in the powder of addiction. The lecture, however, was uninspiring. We were thinking they'd address the new uses of social media, but they didn't, despite the deceiving title. While the lecture was uninspiring, the googleDC space was anything but.
Amber said it looked like a kindergarten room, and it kind of did with all the primary colors, but I was in my happy place: creative land!! The meeting space was ultra mod, and you should've seen the entrance to their offices. It had brightly colored carpets, yoga balls for chairs, giant flat screens, Andy Warhol style art, mod chairs, and globe lighting. Oh I would love going to work in an environment like that! We found room on their whiteboard of ideas for our mark. :)
Today's excitement: Allen arrived in DC! I haven't seen him in almost a year, and it so awesome to finally have him up here, even if this visit just serves as a tease until November, post-election. Allen is my friend who serves as a campaign manager, and he's been up to DC about 4 times since I moved, but everytime I'm unavailable due to work. The funny thing is... this weekend, while he's in town I'll be in NM on business travel. So, I promised him every evening this week.
Tonight's events: a battle of the receptions. Clemson vs. USC. I met up with Allen at Charlie Palmer for the Clemson alumni lobbying event (where all food was bite-sized according to ethics regulations), and then we headed over to the National Gallery of African American Art for the USC reception. It was fun to get a glimpse of Allen's world in politics. I admire his ability to speak so eloquently no matter the topic. Good thing I know how to smile, nod and look pretty, because I certainly didn't know about half the subjects discussed. It was fun to get out of my bubble though, and I so enjoyed spending time with Allen. Can't wait for tomorrow's busy agenda!

Speaking of busy agenda, I must shut this computer off so I can get sleep to run in the am. We'll see if that happens!! I know I can, I know I can, I know I can...


PS... pardon the photos the last 3 photos, they're all from cellular devices. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahem, you had an amazing night Friday seeing ME!!
    Love the pic of the Clemson Tiger as you mention Allen, btw.
