I never thought I'd say this, but snow... I don't love you. In fact... I strongly dislike you.
It's like every time I have big plans for a fabulous weekend, the snow comes and, well, ruins it. Not so happy Sarah here. However, they say this is the coldest winter DC has seen in a really long time, and if this is it, I can survive this!
To get out our anger on the snow, Jeremy, Nicole, and I headed to the range for some relief. I learned 2 things: handguns are more my style and 1911's have one heck of a kickback. My hands are still a little shaky from tensing up to pre-empt the kickback.

Now, just don't shoot me for taking almost a whole week to get back to blogging!
Week in review:
Wednesday was cooking and laundry day.
Thursday night we had a work happy hour to celebrate Amber and Kara's bdays. It was pretty fun, and it was great to hang out with everyone outside the office. Afterwards, Amber and I grabbed some yummy late-night grub at Five Guys Burgers and Fries and had some "back-porch"/"gee dining hall" conversation. See our yummy grub... :)
Friday Michelle (roommie) and I had movie night take two, with delicious pizza and wings. We watched 500 Days of Summer. It was artsy and fun. I actually highly recommend it.
Saturday - SNOW! Grr! Cancelled get-together in Arlington for Kara's bday.
Sunday I cleaned the snow off the car and shoveled behind in record time: 8 minutes. Impressive, huh? With my snow-free car I headed into the city for church at Ebenezer's with Allison and then grabbed a quick lunch in Union Station.
Monday- oh that's today! All caught up! See, I can be brief when I want! ;)
Question for discussion: Amber and I believe a blog post is not a blog post without a photo of interest, hence why we often wait to post. What do the readers say?
Definitely think a blog post needs a picture!