Today I pretended to be a tourist. Of course, I'm not one, but it still feels like I am since everything is still so new to me up here. Fortunately, it was a beautiful day! A little chilly, but great weather!
My friend Allison wanted to hang out today and suggested going to the mall, and I said, do you mind if we go to the Mall instead?! See, at the Capitol Mall, almost everything is free, but at the mall... I'd be tempted to spend money that I, well, don't really have. :)
We started at the American History Museum and then walked across the Mall to the Native American Museum to meet up with a couple of her friends who were in town for a re-scheduled Christmas Party. Tidbit for the future: Native American Indian Museum has a cafe that looks and smells delicious! We opted to head around the corner for Mexican food. Yum!

This is what they call the "Castle." It's the Smithsonian Institute, but to me, it could easily pass for the National Cathedral. I think it's the prettiest building on the Mall.

The Capitol Building on a pretty, but very cold day.

This case of instruments could easily go for $100 million+. Know why? They are 4 of the 630 surviving instruments built by the master Stradavari. Number 5 of the 630 was in the adjacent case. Oh, how I wish they would've let me play the beautiful, Mother of Pearl inlayed instruments!

These two were 15th century instruments we studied in school. The large one is a viola da gamba. Please note the beautiful ornamentation above the bridge and in the scroll. Gorgeous!

Allison and I with one of the most famous pairs of shoes of all time. They look a little more "old-ladyish" than one might expect! I always thought Dorothy wore stilettos! :)

This one is for the Berry clan. Yes... that hat has a price tag. The first person to name the wearer of this famous hat gets a special prize!

Icons of American Comedy

The predecessor for my darling green car. Honda Civic, rather Honda CVCC.

We studied this musical manuscript in Music History and Music Theory class. I even had to write my own piece with this type of notation. It's actually quite complicated. :)

In the doorway of Julia Child's kitchen. I wish my apartment kitchen allowed me to store that much cooking equipment.

Can you imagine washing dishes in that dishwasher?

Who wouldn't want to sit at that table and eat the great chef's food? Just looking at it makes me want to cook. I think I will...
Bon appetit mon amis!
Minnie Pearl of course :-)