One thing I really liked about living in a hotel is that I never have to wash towels, and my supply is unlimited! ---that, and not much else, I miss. Somehow, only 2 towels ended up in DC with me, and I don't like to reuse towels that much so that involves a lot of washing, since I often shower twice a day. So... silly me, gets home from working out and remembers I need to wash. So what do I do, but put ALL my towels in the wash. The washing door locks, and I realize. MAN! I need to shower soon. Too bad! I guess I'll have to wait another hour and a half....Silly me... shower first, THEN wash towels. Duh, Sarah! This wouldn't happen if the maid delivered me fresh ones!
And I needed to shower too, because I tried a new class at the gym tonight, and it was quite the workout! BodyStep is what its usually called (don't ask me why ALL Gold's Gym classes have the word Body at the beginning), but tonight it was "JingleStep." The instructor was dressed in a santa dance costume complete with the hat, belt, and elves! She had three leaders in the front of the class directing with her, and they were all in xmas attire. They even gave out Santa hats for us to wear... NOT optional. I'm pretty sure Big, Jolly Santa Claus does NOT do BodyStep!!! It was fun, though. I'll be taking that class every Thursday now, I guess.
Work has been pretty busy lately. I hope y'all enjoyed seeing some pictures of my coworkers on Amber's blog, and maybe even got a laugh out of some of them. And, Amber's mom- Amber did blogologize for stealing my blog. :) Check out some of our work. My contribution to this particular issue was only the back cover ad for Annual Meeting, but I'm still proud of my team's work! Oh, and while your on that web page scroll down to see the animated Annual Meeting button I designed!
On a different work note, my friend and coworker Sarah Budi sent me quite the funny pics from her beau's office environment today.

The view from outside his office, stopping traffic and keeping a kids field trip from getting to see the Nutcracker they waited all year for. THANKS Greenpeace...

I'm learning just how far I can push it and still make it to work on time. Not on purpose of course! 7:50 still gets me there in time! But I need to get in bed early tonight to avoid seeing how far is too far!
Speaking of sleep, I woke up on the floor this morning, and no, not because I rolled off onto the floor... I'm pretty sure this air mattress has developed a slow leak. But only 7 more days on it. I GUESS I can survive, but I'll reserve judgement until I wake up tomorrow morning.
Despite waking up on the floor, I've had a great day! Ok, so maybe it wasn't the craziest, most exciting day you've ever read about, but it did have some highlights.
Oh, and to round out the three random facts: 2)I don't like individual skittles, they must be eaten by the handful. 3)I'm clostrophobic.
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