I didn't have internet last night to post, but thank you to everyone who was worried that I didn't. :) Internet is now up, and pictures are ready to go! So let's get down to business!
My fellow blogger and colleague Amber asked me today what I was going to blog about this weekend, and I said, "My new place, duh!" Check out Amber's post with our Santa picture!
I'm totally stoked to finally have space to call my own, at least for the next 3 months or more. My new roommate, Michelle, is super sweet, and I'm blessed to have such a great place for so reasonable a price.
I left the hotel yesterday am before work and headed straight to the condo after work. The commute isn't too bad, about 35-45 minutes, which is really good up here. It would've been wonderful this morning except I got turned around, several times. SO frustrating! The road that I work on is called Waples Mill, but when I turn onto that road off of Braddock it's "Shirley Gate," which I did NOT know this morning. The roads up here are rather unforgiving, and so I ended up doing circle upon circle just trying to get back to Braddock. Finally I caved and called my boss when I was 20 minutes behind my anticipated EARLY arrival time. He knew I was moving in last night and graciously helped me, and forgave my 10 minute tardiness. Thank you, Jeremy!!
My room is ultra bare, because all my stuff is still at Mom and Dad's. Fortunately, it won't be too long before they're coming up to visit and bring stuff!
The week is over, and it's been a great one. I'm really doing a job I love, and I think it will be a good fit for me at this point in my life. Today, I have to admit, was a little long. I'm used to my Friday afternoon's off, but I guess it's worth it. Much of the design work I'm doing, I can't show you until they're published, but today my website button went live. It's at the bottom of the page and has a checkered background. Did I mention I spent almost all of Monday pm finding mailing addresses for all NASCAR teams? Me and NASCAR are going to be tight be the end of May! :)
One other thing I wanted to share was a venison recipe that was published on the NRA blog just the other day. Oh, and if you haven't done so already, go to the NRA Blog and look under community outreach. Many of those tabs detail the Field Ops Division, which includes me!
Your place looks super sweet! It's such a big space- is that a walk in closet I see? The jealousy is overcoming me... lol.