Wednesday, October 12

I feel old...

Another year has come and gone! The belated birthday card I received last night reminded me that I am now officially in my mid-20s. Sometimes I just want to go back to college where my biggest concerns involve passing a test and which outfit will be "the one" for the 1889 dance, but then other times, I'm doing everything I can to distinguish myself as "older" than all the "kids straight out of college." (No offense recent grads.)

I was delighted  to celebrate with people I genuinely care about. Starting off with a wonderful weekend in Williamsburg with mom and dad, I arrived back at work to a cheerfully decorated office and an inbox stocked with birthday cards.

That evening I arranged to spend my birthday evening with a small group of close friends at one of my favorite low-key spots in the city. This birthday celebration wasn't about bells and bows, cake and candles; instead, it was about celebrating the life I've built in DC in a short two years. Pardon me for sounding cheesy -- I come by it naturally. We had a fun-filled evening at American Ice Company, which I refer to affectionately as "a garage party, just without the pong table." The bbq was good (and cheap), and the atmosphere was perfect for celebrating with my friends. Unfortunately, it's a little dark for perfect pictures.
 Converse Ladies
The Boyfriend with the Birthday Girl
Roommie Tasha, Ian, and Cousin Christina

My sweet boyfriend walked Tasha and I home, and along the way, Tasha was determined that we should celebrate with cake and ice cream. We stopped at the CVS on the way home where I convinced her that she REALLY didn't have to make a cake that night. We then narrowed in on ice cream and leftover cookies. Once  home, she created an ice cream/cookie confection with a candle on top, and with her talented singing voice sang Happy Birthday. It rounded out a wonderful birthday!

Okey, so I'm not old; I realize this. However, I spent the afternoon with a few aches and pains, and I'm not above bringing in a heating pad to sit in the back of my chair (I did it twice last week.) I believe all these aches and pains are a result of my weight-loss induced exercise hiatus, but I have to say, I thought today, "Hmmm, this must be what it feels like to be old."

Cheers to being 25!

Monday, October 3

Bright Spots

Earlier today I returned home from a delightful serious of trips, and I am again reminded of the wonderful things God has for me. Sometimes I feel as if life is on fast forward, and the moments of normal speed are shrouded in "hurry up, get going," but this weekend I just pushed pause and let the little wheels racing in my mind rest -- what a delight that was!

Thursday and Friday I spent time on a site visit in St. Louis. This was my first trip to the city and my next trip will be so full of work that I won't experience any sights, so I took the opportunity Friday afternoon to see a few of the iconic views in St. Louis.

My colleague and I traveled to the top of the St. Louis arch to see the city from a different perspective. I guess I should have taken the cashier's words seriously when she asked, "Does anyone have problems with claustrophobia or fear of heights?" Fortunately, the ride in a tiny egg car up the equivalent of a slow, inside roller coaster was only a few moments. It was just long enough that by the time we reached the top/bottom, I was a few seconds shy of the panic attack. The view was worth the ride, though. I always love the opportunity to see things from a different perspective; it reminds me the benefits of the perspective that's mine.

I made it!

After a late evening return from St. Louis, I woke up early enough to beat the southbound traffic out of DC on my journey to meet mom and dad in Williamsburg, VA. The trip was planned just a few weeks before and gave us the opportunity to celebrate my birthday (our birthday) together. Although I'd been to Williamsburg a couple of times to visit friends in grad school at William and Mary, I'd not had much time to see the sites. I hadn't researched much, but I'd requested recommendations for restaurants and sites from my W&M friends. They all seemed to share a similar interest in a handful of restaurants, and they were all on spot.

It's unfortunate that Williamsburg locks so much of the historical experience behind the doors of a pricey ticket. Much of the city's beauty is visible from the cobblestone streets, but getting inside most of the stores and museums requires that ticket. The Bruton Parish Church allowed us to get a glimpse of our forefathers Sunday mornings for just a $1 donation. In addition to all of the named pews, I got a kick out of seeing where the widow Martha Custis sat before she caught the eye of one General George Washington. I wanted to sit where Washington sat, but there was a couple sitting there that didn't look they had any desire to move.

Thanks to a community art festival, we were able to view the Dewitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum for free, which included entry into the "Public Hospital." The museum was deceivingly large, possibly half of one of the Smithsonians, and unfortunately we'd not saved enough time to see it all before closing. It was full of antiquities: furniture, artwork, silver, china and much more. I was delighted to see a restored harpsichord and piano forte, and I had fun quizzing dad on whether the harpsichord was a hammered or plucked instrument. His really cool discovery is my challenge to you (without using the internet!): To what item is the term "lock, stock, and barrel" referring?

 Harpsichord or Piano Forte: which do you think?

The Public Hospital was small but full of interesting facts. In case you were unaware, "public hospital" was the predecessor of the "insane asylum" and the "mental hospital." I won't even try to tell you the different ways they tried to "cure" those they deemed insane, and beyond that, you should know that insanity was used to diagnose anyone who was "not normal" or "disorderly." It was actually quite sad.

We ended the evening with a trip to Berret's, which came highly recommended by Sarah W.'s fiance, Zack. The extremely eager server made sure we had a great experience. I think the best thing on my plate was actually the side dish, which was a delicious roasted turnip mixture. The crab cakes weren't my favorite, but I have Hank's Oyster Bar for comparison, and they stand on a pretty high pillar.

Sunday morning I was devastated when the line at the diner I was very excited to go back to was a little too long for our growling stomachs. We ended up going to a place called Baker's Crust. Although our service left a little to be desired, the food was quite good. I think it probably suited my parents' tastes better than the diner would. Unfortunately, by the time we got back in the car to head for Jamestown the sky was ominous; we felt rain was inevitable.

We decided to make the trek to Jamestown anyways. We skipped over the touristy "Jamestown Settlement," and went straight for the National Park. It was rainy and cold, but we were already there, so...why not! It was not fun for the first 5 minutes, but we caught up with the park ranger inside the church for an intriguing story-telling session. And guess what? As soon as the ranger finished, the weather cleared. We were able to walk through the grounds of the first English settlement in cold, but clear, weather.
 safe haven during the storm

I believe my parents would agree that our favorite adventure involved a trip to the old glass making house on the outskirts of the park. They had a period-costumed guy blowing glass in a building built in replication of the nearby original. We stood and watched as he made two beautiful vases, and I was delighted when mom and dad wanted to get me one as a birthday souvenir. Did you know glass is made from sand, and it's naturally green?

We wrapped up the trip with a little shopping excursion to the Williamsburg outlets, and then we grabbed lunch at Arby's and headed our separate ways.

It was a wonderful trip; as much as I love DC, it's nice to get outside of the city for a short excursion every once in a while. Although the weather wasn't a "bright spot," the trip was. :)

Monday, April 11

Life is better than a box of chocolates

April 11th is here and almost gone, and life isn't going to slow down enough for me to update this blog. I guess I'll just have to figure out a way to fit it in my busy life. Anyone want to buy me an iPad? Just kidding! No, really, I'll take one if you're feeling generous.

Too much has flown by in the past days and weeks since I've posted, so I decided to stick with the highlights, as if you gave me 60 seconds to tell you my recent life history in a nutshell. Who am I kidding? Me, speak for only 60 seconds? Anyone who knows me well, knows better than that.

::Highlights, Sarah, highlights. Don't get distracted!::

1. Work is ridiculously busy right now. The "To Do" list is 20 things long per day, and I get to 4 before 5:00 arrives. Just today I looked at the clock after what seemed like an hour of work and realized it was 11:40. Seemingly an hour later, it was 4:50. The days are going by so fast I don't even recognize the hours. That's of course good and bad. My big event is less than 3 weeks away, and we're still tying up loose ends. And that is not because of procrastination! I do still love my job. I'm just a little overwhelmed right now. Come May 2nd, I will be happy as a lark, relaxed, and gearing up again on May 3rd. Such is my life.

2. I have many bright spots at work, though. One involves something that hasn't been so bright: eating. Mom and Dad randomly send me packages of foods I like that are difficult to get here or really good for me but out of my price range. Every time I get one it's like opening a christmas present. Just today I got a large box of foods I told Mom to scout coupons of for me. Healthy foods/snacks in a box instead of coupons and newspaper clippings were a big surprise. Yum!

3. Why is eating not so bright and why are your parents suddenly sending you food? Is that what you're thinking? Well, I'll just put it out there. I'm losing weight, and I can't stop. I'm not trying to, but it seems a never-ending battle. Clothes that fit in December no longer fit, and those were purchased in December because the ones that were bought in September no longer fit. Don't worry. I'm fine. I am just adjusting to a different lifestyle than my body was accustomed to in South Carolina, and it may or may not involve forcing myself to eat when I don't feel I want to or need to. I gained a few pounds this month, though, yay! Reduced my workout intensity, planned to eat 1800+ calories a day (wasn't happening before), and changed my eating schedule. I never thought I'd be frustrated that I was losing weight.

4. Fortunately, I have a constant encourager here in the area for my eating habits and my down days at work. I'm dating a guy that makes me very happy and is constantly doing/saying things to remind me how special I am to him and the world around me. I went from seeing several different people to narrowing the field to one amazing guy(just named boyfriend on the blog). He and I have been able to see and do so many fun things in the past several months, and he doesn't shy away from the music and arts I love so much. Just this weekend we went to see an Oscar Wilde play at Shakespeare Theater. So fun!

5. I don't know how they got pushed to number 5 on this list: Friends, friends, friends! I have amazing ones. None can replace my college girls or best friends from childhood, but these really are great. I have a good mix of girls and guys that I can truly count on for anything (including my cousin). Several of us are in a monthly supper club that we began, and we've made it an outstanding group of fun people who enjoy meeting new people and eating good food. We genuinely have so much fun. Things have been hectic with work lately so I don't get to see many of them as regularly as I would like, but when I do, we always have the best of times.

6. I've started attending some weekend classes to obtain a Certificate in Event Management from George Washington University. I am learning and striving to increase my knowledge of this field that I truly enjoy. It's on hold until summer classes are announced, but I do plan to have my certificate by next summer. It's worked out great that I'm in an area that has the number one program in this field. Stay tuned for more info on that!

I don't have any real pictures dedicated to this "update" subject so I thought I'd share a few of the things that happened on my blog hiatus.

 Girls night dinner to support Leslie's Auburn Tigers. Alex making pizza.
 Go Auburn! Leslie gave us shirts to wear.
 Sarah W. and I on the Staten Island Ferry on my first NYC trip.
 Fabulous friends from Converse bundled up in NYC.
Dad and Mom join cousin Christina and I on a walk to the White House.

Until the not-so-long-from-now next time (I hope),


PS - Did I mention how happy I am? Life really is better than a box of chocolates!